What’s New

February 21, 2013Leave a reply

Added the AR, MO, and PA Id Cards to the Form Managers.

PDF X-Change Viewer

February 18, 2013Leave a reply

This is a free viewer. It allows you to type on the document. It also allows you to highlight certain areas.

website link http://www.tracker-software.com/product/pdf-xchange-viewer

download link

Backup Software

February 18, 2013Leave a reply

This is a free backup program. Save the download file to your desktop then run it.


February 2013

February 18, 2013Leave a reply

Hello All! Hope the new year is going well.

Use this link to see what’s new:

One of the new items is the ability to remove cleared checks through a date you choose. This will help speed up reconciling your checkbook. In the process, it backs up your current data and puts it in a new folder.
Also, You can now access all newsletters from the top menu of Amsoft. This will allow everyone in the office to review them.

There are 2 new tutorials here: http://www.amsoft.org/Tutorials.htm One shows you how to remove cleared checks and one shows you how to set carbonite up.

Since this is the beginning of a new year, It is a great time to create a new folder for your images. Don’t forget to add the new folder to your backup.

Make Amsoft Mobile!
Do you have the need to use Amsoft from some location other than your office? Perhaps at home you need to check on something… Perhaps at a clients office, or a second location?
We are now offering a new service which will allow you to access Amsoft from any location that you can get an internet connection. You will need an Amsoft license for each computer you want on this service, and our network technician will need to log in to each of your computers. You can find out more about this here: http://www.theelegantweb.com/amsoftvpn
Special Introductory pricing is available!

If you are interested in this, just give us a call! 800-330-1951

If you haven’t tried this, you may want to. It is a free pdf viewer. The difference from Adobe is that you can type & draw on the PDF, and save your changes:

One last thing: Backups
Every once in a while we run into an agent that has had a computer failure. This could be from hardware failure or nature. Things such as Fire, floods hurricanes or earthquakes. We always feel badly when a user has one of these failures & loses all there data with no backup. This means they must start from scratch.

We suggest having 2 different types of backups. One should be local, maybe using a portable hard drive. The other should be online. This link is to our website. Look for the link to the carbonite online backup. It runs about $50.00 a year.

Gary Hoffman

December 2012

February 18, 2013Leave a reply

Hello All

Just wanted to take a moment to wish you a Happy Holiday Season and New Year!

We also wanted to make sure you were familiar with some of the links available on our website. You can find them bellow:

If any link does not work copy and paste it to your browser.

This link shows all newsletters:

Are you familiar with our tutorials? They are great for new employees, or discovering new ways to utilize Amsoft:

Did you know Amsoft can validate credit cards? This link contains information on this:

This link has information on free or very inexpensive software that you may find very useful to your office:

Here is a free calculator with tape display:

If you haven’t tried this, you may want to. It is a free pdf viewer. The difference from Adobe Reader is that you can type & draw on the PDF, and save the changes:

Also take note, our office will be closed Dec. 24th-26th and Dec 31st-Jan 1st. We will have limited hours Dec. 27th-30th

Should you have any problems during this time, please either leave a message or send us an e-mail, and we will get to you as soon as possible.

Have a happy New Year!

Gary Hoffman

October 2012

February 18, 2013Leave a reply

Use this link to see what’s new in Amsoft:


You will notice one of the new items when copying a policy… you have always been able to copy the Vehicles. You can now also copy the drivers at the same time.
You will also note the spelling check for memos and suspense has been updated; It had stopped working on some versions of Amsoft. There are also a number of ACORD form updates.

Helpful links:
Tutorials http://www.amsoft.org/Tutorials.htm
Forums http://amsoft.websitetoolbox.com/
Download update http://www.amsoft.org/download/amsoft32.exe

If any link is not working, copy and paste it to your browser.

One last thing: Backups
Every once in a while we run into an agent that has had a computer failure. This could be from hardware failure or simply nature (Fire, floods hurricanes or earthquakes). We always feel badly when a user has one of these failures & loses all their data with no backup. This means they must start from scratch.

We suggest having 2 different types of backups. One should be local; maybe using a portable hard drive. This is a link to our forums and interesting software, where you will find a link there to a free backup called cobian: http://amsoft.websitetoolbox.com/?forum=171677
The other should be online. This link is to our website. Look for the link to the carbonite online backup. It runs about $59.00 a year. This is a bargain to get everything on your system backed up off site.

We suggest you use both.

You might want to take a look at our updated website. It is newer and fresher but not complete. More to come.

Gary Hoffman

April 2012

February 18, 2013Leave a reply

Use this link to see what’s new


You will notice one of the new items is the ability to use the A+ Paperless driver to add a image to an existing image in Amsoft. You can find a tutorial here: http://www.amsoft.org/viewlets/addtiff/addimagea.html
You can find all tutorials here: http://www.amsoft.org/Tutorials.htm

If you have our scanning but not the a+ driver, why not? It will take any document, e-mail, website, etc. from your computer, and attach them to your insured. No need to print. This alone should save hundred’s of dollars a year in paper and ink not to mention time.
The cost to cover all machines is $100.

If you’re not using our scanning or paperless office, why not? It is a great time saver to have all your documents available at your fingertips.

Did you know Amsoft can validate credit cards and accept checks by fax or email. his is great when you need an immediate payment from an insured? This link contains information on this.http://www.amsoft.org/xcharge.htm

One last thing: Backups
Every once in a while, we run into an agent that has had a computer failure. This could be from hardware failure or simply nature (Fire, floods hurricanes or earthquakes). We always feel badly when a user has one of these failures & looses all their data with no backup. This means they must start from scratch.

We suggest having 2 different types of backups. One should be local; maybe using a portable hard drive. This is a link to our forums and interesting software, where you will find a link there to a free backup called cobian: http://amsoft.websitetoolbox.com/?forum=171677
The other should be online. This link is to our website. Look for the link to the carbonite online backup. It runs about $59.00 a year. This is a bargain to get everything on your system backed up off site.

We suggest you use both.

Gary Hoffman

January 2012

February 18, 2013Leave a reply

Hello All!

First We would like to wish all a happy New Year. Hope this news letter finds everyone well.

At the beginning of each year, it is a good idea to make sure your backups are working properly. We always suggest you keep a local backup on a portable device. We also suggest you keep an offsite backup. This can be done by using carbonite on line backup. You can find a link for carbonite on our site: http://www.amsoft.org/download/ This is good for a free 2 week trial.

If you use our paperless office, the first of the year is a good time to create a new folder for all documents that will be saved this year. If these folders get too large, it could slow down your computer.

Use this link to see what’s new:


Don’t forget our tutorials, which you can find here: http://www.amsoft.org/Tutorials.htm Have you looked at our newest tutorial which shows how to archive old records? If you have a lot of accounts where the code is colored
red, you will want to look at this.

Have a great year



September 2011

February 18, 2013Leave a reply
Use this link to see what’s new:                                                                                                                http://www.amsoft.org/download/_amswhatsnew.pdf
One of the new items is the ability to archive all records.  This works by Amsoft copying all your data to a new folder.  Amsoft will then delete all records that expire through the date you choose.  When completed, Amsoft will show all records you did not want archived.
When you need to see old records you will be able to point to the archived data path and view all records.   This process will not delete any accord forms.
We have created a few tutorials which show how this is done.  They are: archived records, file Maintenance, Viewing old records.  You can find these here:http://www.amsoft.org/Tutorials.htm 
Some free software that might be helpful:
this link has some very helpful software
If you haven’t tried this you may want to.  It is a free pdf viewer.  The difference from Adobe is that you can type & draw on the PDF.
One last thing:  Don’t forget to backup
So, we suggest 2 different backups.  One should be local, maybe using a portable hard drive.  The other should be online.  The following link is to our website;  look for the link to the carbonite online backup.  It runs about $59.00 a year.

Backup Software

February 6, 2013Leave a reply


This site has a free backup program that works very well.

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